Your bridge to Web3

A “fountainhead” refers to an original source of something valuable and bountiful. In literature and philosophy,
a fountainhead can symbolise a principal source or origin of creativity, knowledge, or inspiration

Our Conviction in Web3

We believe in the transformative power of Web3 to revolutionise many industries, create a stronger stakeholder economy, and redefine the way we create, share, and distribute value.

Truly game-changing disruptive innovations always encounter resistance and skepticism because they challenge the status quo and therefore existing wealth and power distribution.

Web3, or Crypto still faces a lot of scepticism which is often grounded in a lack of understanding. Our mission is to demystify this still polarising, yet truly game changing technology in an unbiased and fact-based way.

We develop actively managed and liquid crypto investment strategies and act as industry advisor for financial institutions and companies.

Fundamental Research

We evaluate protocols for strength of use case, quality of their technological solution, traction and value capture mechanisms (token economics) to determine the investment case viability of a crypto asset.

Quantitative Strategies

We develop trend following & momentum strategies to adjust market exposure in accordance with market strength and reduce downside volatility.

Onchain Analytics

We utilize the myriad of information that is stored onchain both for our fundamental research (adoption metrics) but also for analyzing and determining investor behaviour


Anton Werner

Partner & Co-Founder

Martin Bechter

Partner & Co-Founder

Vicky Yang

Onchain Data Analyst & Trading Strategies

Florian Bargues

Research Analyst / DeFi

Christophe Richon

Research Analyst / Infrastructure

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